JTAG Testers
JTAG (Joint Test Action Group) finalized the IEEE 1149.1 Standard which is popularly known as JTAG Standard or the Boundary Scan Standard with the purpose of providing an easy way to test complex boards with a lot of digital discrete component as well as other high pin count IC’s by accessing only 4/5 Pins for the whole PCB and not having the necessity to access each and every component in the PCB. As today’s PCB are getting more complex with the use of PLD/FPGA as well as Microcontrollers, Flash devices, DDR etc. JTAG is invariably employed to program these devices as well as to test and validate the PCB’s too. ScanWorks from Asset Intertech Provides various solutions using lastest JTAG Standards for debugging from Silicon to the Board. For complex boards with Programmable components with have large I/O (1000+ to 8000+) which are mounted on the PCB’s whose layers are increasing day by day from 4 to 12 to 24 layers, using JTAG becomes the best Test Strategy for these complex situations.
ScanWorks Boundary-Scan Test benefits
- Flexible and cost-efficient, enterprise-wide licensing. Get just the features you need, where you need them, at exactly the right time.
- The unified, platform-based workflow allows tests to be built once and re-used throughout the product life-cycle.
- Automated test development using built-in, constantly expanding device model library dramatically cuts lead times.
- Component models for discrete, non-boundary-scan-enabled devices further increase test development productivity and coverage.
- Parallel testing and programming of up to 128 boards, simultaneously and asynchronously, delivers massive efficiency gains.
- Built-in power safety features prevent board damage on trial testing.
- Multiple reporting formats, including XML, HTML, and Text for easy integration and exact fault location in any environment.
- Excellent project management keeps track of all files and settings for streamlined deployment with any type of hardware..
- Integration in any test executive, including NI LabVIEW and TestStand via the comprehensive BST API compatibility with your existing test methodologies and expertise.
Boundary-Scan Test Development Software
The Boundary-Scan Test (BST) Development Software is one of the several configurations of the ScanWorks boundary-scan (JTAG) test and on-board programming environment. Test engineers can quickly develop interconnect tests and device-programming actions for use on first prototype board to accelerate the board bring-up process. Then tests can be exported for use in manufacturing and repair facilities.
- Extensive, constantly expanding device model library – allows automated test development.
- Discrete component models – profiling of even non-boundary-scan devices increases test development automation and test coverage.
- Built-in power safety features – prevent board damage on trial testing.
- Standard XML reporting format – easy integration into other systems.
Boundary-Scan Test Diagnostic & Repair Software
The ScanWorks BST Diagnostic & Repair Software has been tailored for applications where the fast isolation of faults and the identification of their causes are of paramount importance. Failed printed circuit boards coming off a manufacturing line or faulty product returned by a customer could be routed to the manufacturer’s repair facility. An efficient method for testing circuit boards gives the manufacturer the ability to correct the problem faster and ensure the quality of the assembly. As a result, faulty product can be transformed from a liability into a revenue opportunity much sooner. ScanWorks BST Diagnostic & Repair Software effectively performs circuit board testing and flash memory diagnostics that can save you both time and money in the long run.
- Minimize JTAG test development time by re-using vectors that were created to test prototypes during design or to test boards on a manufacturing line.
- Scan individual vectors, run complete actions or run a sequence of actions, all from a simple graphical user interface.
- Isolate faults fast with diagnostics that can identify failures down to the pin level or net level.
- Diagnose using a debug station that is remote from the manufacturing station that originally failed the test.
- View a graphical representation of your PCBA to locate the position of a failing net or device pin
Boundary-Scan Test Manufacturing Software
With the ScanWorks® Boundary-Scan Test (BST) Manufacturing Software, companies can ensure a higher level of quality for their products because boundary scan gives them test coverage where physical access is not an option. And the return on investment from ScanWorks is very rapid because boundary-scan tests and programming algorithms developed during research and development can be re-used in manufacturing with no alterations.
The ScanWorks BST Manufacturing Software provides a cost-effective means of applying JTAG vectors during high-volume manufacturing. In addition, ScanWorks increases the value of the other testing equipment by sharing the burden of test between those testers and ScanWorks licenses. Compatible with most ICT, MDA, Flying Probe, and Functional Testers, ScanWorks BST Manufacturing Software increases overall test coverage while reducing test costs.
- Increase product quality through higher test coverage brought about by using JTAG (boundary scan) to perform structural test on PCBAs with few test points.
- Quickly isolate and diagnose failures.
- Re-use JTAG test and programming vectors developed during a product’s design stage.
- Easily train new operators on the simple graphical user interface.
- Integrate ScanWorks with familiar test executives like LabVIEW®, TestStand, LabWindows/CVI®, and others
- Increase throughput on a manufacturing line by offloading boundary scan test and programming from ICT to ScanWorks
- Reduce ICT fixture costs and improve asset utilization by moving tests from the ICT system to the ScanWorks station
- Increase speed of programming on-board devices through ScanWorks’ high programming clock speeds and parallel multi-board programming capabilities
Hardware for ScanWorks

The ScanWorks platform for embedded instruments is supported by a wide variety of hardware controllers and accessories with which engineers can connect ScanWorks to their unit under test (UUT). Hardware is available for development, production and repair environments. The test platform required for ScanWorks is either a standard PC or a system with a built-in (embedded) JTAG controller.